
Sailing is an incredly complex sport. That's one of the reasons many of us love it.

But complexity is one of the reasons so many of us struggle to improve. 

You just don't know what you're doing wrong, and what you should be working on.

Is it my fitness? Is it my equipment? Is it my technique?

If only I had a coach who could tell me exactly what I'm doing wrong.

These are all thoughts I had during my international ILCA sailing career. 

I spent years trying to coach myself, and trying to figure out the answers to all of those questions. 

And now I want to help you skip all that struggle, and jump straight to the next level.

My coaching philosophy is simple:

  • Find the areas where you are losing the most places around the race course
  • Break your weaknesses down to the most fundamental principles  - there's no need to overcomplicate things here
  • Create a structured, intentional plan to fix your weaknesses, and take your sailing to the next level.

There will be no 5-step tactical plans, PhD level physics or complicated jargon. Just no-BS, focussed and tailored improvement. 

So how can you work with me? 

I offer two types of coaching - online Zoom sessions, and in-person pre-regatta and regatta coaching clinics.